Marching one of savory crepes !!
Very easy to do and you can fill in whatever you want or what you find at the bottom of your refrigerator. I made them mushroom (the cream the other day), ham and cheese. The amounts for the pancakes you'll give to more than one, you know what happens then.

Want to know how to cook savory pancakes

You'll have to do to your roommates, because you will be asked. Insurance.
1.150 g flour. Noooooo, grams. Quiet, that are 10 tablespoons.
2.3 eggs
3.A glass of milk
4.A teaspoon of butter
5.A teaspoon of olive oil
6.What you have to fill
1. Casca the 3 eggs into a bowl, add the milk, oil, salt and flour. Dale shoe in a blender and make it is all uniform. If you have a blender, then let it rip with a fork, but instead to add all the flour at once, go slowly putting.
2. Now, in a hot frying pan, put some butter on we said and wait for it to melt and distributed.
3.Pon a little of the mixture in the center of the pan and move it from spreading so well. I am announcing that the first always, always, always goes wrong. Not sure why. I suppose it's too much butter there at first. If someone knows they say and what not saved pa 'it.
4. With the second, do the same, check, moves and waits browned on one side. Turn over and brown the other. And repeat with remaining mixture you have. They'll leave a few.
5. Now, fill them with whatever you have, Put them one chorretón sauce and put them on the bus 30 seconds to melt the cheese. Magma supreme !!
Take care and attention for what you do and put little mixing each time, so the crepe will be much more finite and richer. And you know, fill it with whatever you want, pepper, bacon, sausage, onion, leftover roast chicken ..... As you can see, endless possibilities
Finally, this is a message to all the mothers of this country. Regaladle your children a blender to do these things. Not worth, na 'and thank you. The other day I saw in the store where there are fools (you know what I mean) for 9 €. Much better than socks for his birthday.
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