7 things could disappear over the next five years.According to experts, who analyzed the evolution of substances, things and living beings, these are some candidates to disappear between now and the next five years:

7 things could disappear over the next five years

1.Helio: this, abundant in the universe, light gas reserves could deplete their land before 2020. The United States, one of the leading suppliers of helium worldwide, has delivered only available until 2018.
2.Andean glaciers: victims of global warming, glaciers reserves the Andes begin to fade over the course of the next five years. If the projection is made to ten years, then it is likely to disappear completely not only the Andean reserves but virtually the entire planet.
3.Whisky: currently, the beverage, especially in its old variety and high quality, has a much higher international demand to the existing stock, so its price is expected to climb as more scarcity. By 2020, quality whiskey is so expensive, it will only be accessible to the billionaire pockets.
4.South African white rhinoceros: today, this species is seriously endangered. By 2020, the South African white rhinoceros cease to exist, unless we drastically reduce the number of hunters and the destruction of their natural habitat.
5.Chocolate: the combination of insatiable human appetite with extreme drought in Ivory Coast and Ghana, major suppliers worldwide, could lead to a massive shortage of cocoa in the coming years.
6.Letters: between now and the next five years, to send or receive a letter will be gone. All mail traffic is definitely dump into electronic form, or even a new, more efficient system. The cost of the current market infrastructure physical mail will be a luxury hard to afford, by 2020.
7.Butterflies: several species of butterfly could cease to exist, inter alia, Phoenix Butterfly, Blue Mission Guardian Fire and Karner Blue. In total, an estimated 200 varieties of butterfly are in serious danger of extinction, either by the devastation of their natural habitat, or the introduction of exotic predators.
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