They call it the 'elephant foot' and is able to kill any living being in no more than 300 seconds.As described by Kyle Hill, freelance writer of scientific articles, this object reminds us today, over 29 years after the tragedy of Chernobyl, how dangerous it can be mortÃferamente nuclear energy. This is a unique conglomerate of radioactive waste, which flowed from the active section of the reactor core and deposited in fatal bowels of the atomic complex.

This is the most deadly and dangerous object in the entire history of the planet.

It was discovered in December 1986 when a team of Russian scientists descended to the underground corridor of reactor number four, where he ran into a mass of high radioactivity, with more than two meters thick. By its appearance, she was immediately dubbed the 'elephant foot'.
According recorded radiation sensors was absolutely impossible to approach the residual conglomerate without dying in the attempt (the worker who can be seen in the photo next to the object, then died from exposure to it). Therefore, the Russian team built a wheeled tripod to photograph the radioactive mass from a distance. The work of the experts gave insights that radiation from the hottest part could draw blood to a person who was exposed just two minutes to the 'elephant foot'; cause vomiting, diarrhea and fever, if exposure was four minutes; and died two days later after being exposed five minutes (300 seconds).
The 'elephant foot' as well as nuclear fuel, is made up of concrete, sand and cover parts of the reactor. All it melted and leaked into the basement of the nuclear power plant as a conglomerate, similar in appearance to the volcanic lava. Even today, nearly three decades later, the molten compound still radiates heat in addition to deadly radioactivity. If you reach the groundwater aquifers, cause a catastrophic release of radioactive substances into the nearest lakes.
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