the big story, front page special report covers the best part of a whole page. Why? It says almost nothing. This is essentially a feel good story about how the downtown area is just booming., a really exciting people place. It reminds me of the one that appeared just before Christnas about how Main St. was wild with shoppers, and stores were jammed. (Poor me with my lack of reportorial skills. I walked along Main that same day and saw nothing special.)
I've been in a lot of downtowns in a lot big cities and small ones. Moncton's downtown is not exciting, not by any standard. As a tourist, there are many, many things I would come to see in New Brunswick. But downtown Moncton is not one of them. Nor is it likely to be. So why these gushy articles?
They're probably boosterism for the hockey rink - oops, sorry - events centre that the TandT has been shilling for over recent years. Wonderful things are going to happen - yes, yes.
And the shale gas protest that's been going on for some time now on rte. 126? You'll find that on p. 4 way, way down at the bottom in just four sentences. Count them - four.
The report is from Canadian Press. Of course, they had to buy it from CP. The TandT couldn't spare a reporter. My goodness, they had that big story on downtown to cover - and page after page talking about high school graduations - along with picture after picture, most of which look very much like the picture just before the the one you're looking at. So you didn't get the picture of a long line of police facing down a crowd about half their number, and largely made up of women and elderly people.
(Incidentally, Mr. Editorial writer, none of the protesters was wearing a mask. So far, the only one wearing a mask is you.)
Why was that story so brief and so hidden?
1. after the release of a poll that shows the anti-fracking movement to be suprisingly strong and large, the TandT is not anxious to give it any publicity.
2. There is also some evidence of a division among native peoples that premier Alward is anxious to exploit. Pictures of arrests of native women don't help Alward in that.
I would dearly love more information about that split because when and if we do hear about it from the TandT, it will have a strong slant.
The only news that is happening in the world is the flooding in Alberta. The story is more than a full page, but still doesn't have enough room to mention what will happen if flooding hits the tailingponds (toxic waste) of the oilsands.
Syria didn't make the cut to deserve a news story in the TandT, even though Obama has taken a giant step to bringing about a confrontation in Syria that could involve a total of at least six nuclear powers facing each other down. The declared reason is that the Syrian government is using poison gas. Obama is almost certainly lying. (See the op ed column by Gwynne Dyer).
That whole region is collapsing into chaos, largely the result of the walking disaster we call American foreign policy. Obama is Bush. And both Obama and Bush are puppets of big business in the US. And big business is as incompetent to run the US government as the Irvings are to run the New Brunswick government.
The editorial page is as usual. Bill Beliveau writes a defence of Justin Trudeau for accepting a fee for speaking for a charity group. Just about everyone else has written this off as no longer worth discussing. But, what the hell, Trudeau is a Liberal - so he must be defended for all eternity.
I wonder if I could annoy Bill Beliveau into writing a denial that Liberal Mackenzie King regularly resorted to prostitutes in Ottawa?
Norbert steams along with his series on rebuilding New Brunswick's economy. One of his latest ideas is advertising to attract Chinese millionaires for 'eco-tours' of our wilderness. Not a good idea, Norbert. Chinese millionaires are even less interested in ecosystems than New Brunswick millionaires are.
Tell you what, though. They might come from half way around the world for the thrill of walking along Main St.
Brent Mazerolle once again shows that it's possible to write a whole column without having anything to say.
Gwynne Dyer is superb.
As the Faith page shows, our churches are busier than ever doing the Lord's work with pancake suppers and yard sales and, oh, just everything. Jesus was pretty slack on that. I mean - you've got the miracle of the loaves and fishes, and the stunt with changing water into wine. But - zip - that's it. And not a single pancake supper in the lot.
Jesus spent more time being critical critical of those with wealth, status, and power...from the local rabbi all the way to Pontius Pilate. I haven't seen much (or any) of that side of Jesus on the Faith page.
I've been in a lot of downtowns in a lot big cities and small ones. Moncton's downtown is not exciting, not by any standard. As a tourist, there are many, many things I would come to see in New Brunswick. But downtown Moncton is not one of them. Nor is it likely to be. So why these gushy articles?
They're probably boosterism for the hockey rink - oops, sorry - events centre that the TandT has been shilling for over recent years. Wonderful things are going to happen - yes, yes.
And the shale gas protest that's been going on for some time now on rte. 126? You'll find that on p. 4 way, way down at the bottom in just four sentences. Count them - four.
The report is from Canadian Press. Of course, they had to buy it from CP. The TandT couldn't spare a reporter. My goodness, they had that big story on downtown to cover - and page after page talking about high school graduations - along with picture after picture, most of which look very much like the picture just before the the one you're looking at. So you didn't get the picture of a long line of police facing down a crowd about half their number, and largely made up of women and elderly people.
(Incidentally, Mr. Editorial writer, none of the protesters was wearing a mask. So far, the only one wearing a mask is you.)
Why was that story so brief and so hidden?
1. after the release of a poll that shows the anti-fracking movement to be suprisingly strong and large, the TandT is not anxious to give it any publicity.
2. There is also some evidence of a division among native peoples that premier Alward is anxious to exploit. Pictures of arrests of native women don't help Alward in that.
I would dearly love more information about that split because when and if we do hear about it from the TandT, it will have a strong slant.
The only news that is happening in the world is the flooding in Alberta. The story is more than a full page, but still doesn't have enough room to mention what will happen if flooding hits the tailingponds (toxic waste) of the oilsands.
Syria didn't make the cut to deserve a news story in the TandT, even though Obama has taken a giant step to bringing about a confrontation in Syria that could involve a total of at least six nuclear powers facing each other down. The declared reason is that the Syrian government is using poison gas. Obama is almost certainly lying. (See the op ed column by Gwynne Dyer).
That whole region is collapsing into chaos, largely the result of the walking disaster we call American foreign policy. Obama is Bush. And both Obama and Bush are puppets of big business in the US. And big business is as incompetent to run the US government as the Irvings are to run the New Brunswick government.
The editorial page is as usual. Bill Beliveau writes a defence of Justin Trudeau for accepting a fee for speaking for a charity group. Just about everyone else has written this off as no longer worth discussing. But, what the hell, Trudeau is a Liberal - so he must be defended for all eternity.
I wonder if I could annoy Bill Beliveau into writing a denial that Liberal Mackenzie King regularly resorted to prostitutes in Ottawa?
Norbert steams along with his series on rebuilding New Brunswick's economy. One of his latest ideas is advertising to attract Chinese millionaires for 'eco-tours' of our wilderness. Not a good idea, Norbert. Chinese millionaires are even less interested in ecosystems than New Brunswick millionaires are.
Tell you what, though. They might come from half way around the world for the thrill of walking along Main St.
Brent Mazerolle once again shows that it's possible to write a whole column without having anything to say.
Gwynne Dyer is superb.
As the Faith page shows, our churches are busier than ever doing the Lord's work with pancake suppers and yard sales and, oh, just everything. Jesus was pretty slack on that. I mean - you've got the miracle of the loaves and fishes, and the stunt with changing water into wine. But - zip - that's it. And not a single pancake supper in the lot.
Jesus spent more time being critical critical of those with wealth, status, and power...from the local rabbi all the way to Pontius Pilate. I haven't seen much (or any) of that side of Jesus on the Faith page.
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