The above is a report from the Los Angeles Times (and other sources) on the rioting in Baltimore. It wasn't important enough to make today's Irving press - though there has certainly been warning. I grew up in a Montreal of racism, hatred and abuse. But until I visited Baltimore, I had no idea of how intense racism, hatred and abuse - and ignorance - could be.
Some people will say the rioters are criminals and misfits. I'm sure many of them are. But that has nothing to do with it. There's a reason why they are criminals and misfits. They were born into a society which gave them little choice but to be criminals and misfits. And, for that matter, there have been criminals and misfits in every city in the world for as long as there have been cities. So how come we're seeing the riots now?
It's because another group of criminals and misfits have risen to power in the US. These are the billionaires who own the governments, the ones who murder and loot all over the world in the name of protecting democracy, the ones who manipulate the economy to drive up their profits while avoiding taxes, and spreading poverty and hopelessness to the rest.
Combine all that with government spies and with encouragement to police to kill indiscriminately - and you get the Baltimore riots. And it's going to get worse and spread to other cities. The spark in Baltimore is racism. But it will soon begin to dawn on many Whites that they are suffering the same abuses. (That's why most of our news media will look at this simply as race riots, nicely ignoring the dreadful abuse which has led to the riots.
This is the time when government should be acting to relieve the causes of this rioting. But it won't. It won't because it's owned by the very rich; and the very rich have long since proven themselves to be too greedy and too stupid to see what must be done.
The front page headline "Premier's events centre comments stir debate" is a story about nothing at all. It's simply part of the campaign to build support for an events centre so somebody can get a free hockey rink. And that somebody seems to have influence with the Irving press.
Then front page has a prominent story that most people who joined the Pollet River run to clean up garbage on Saturday weren't drunk. That's nice. But it was yesterday's story. And there's another non-story on the front page that a preliminary inquiry has been set for a cause in which a python killed two children. It was also on yesterday's front page. Hint - the fact that a date has been set for a preliminary hearing in late November is not a hot, news-flash.
The obviously big story of the day is that four teenagers were fire-bombed in their car in what looks like a random attack. That suggests we have a very dangerous person wandering loose in Moncton. That should be the headline story - but it's almost lost at the bottom of the page.
A4 has the schedule for the Northrop Frye Festival.. I think it disgusting that we have a festival for a man who was an enemy of the Canadian people.
You didn't know that? Well, the Irving press hasn't mentioned it. But Frye was spied on by RCMP intelligence for years - by order of the government of Canada. Frye was a dangerous man. He was opposed to war. He even had the nerve to appear at public meetings to oppose war. Should we really allow people to read the work of this traitor?
On the same page "Young Tories want 'Progressive' dropped from party name." In the course of the debate over this, it's obvious that nobody in the party knows the meanings of the words progressive or conservative; nobody knows the origins of progressive conservative, And nobody knows much about John A. Macdonald.
Progressive does not mean 'socially progressive'. Originally, it was a western party to express local dissatifactions. But it soon split into two parts. One became the socialist CCF. The other kept the name progressive but became the darling of big business. In the 1930s, the Conservatives were desperate for a leader. They turned to the Progressive leader of a very right-wing Alberta. He accepted, but on condition the party change its name to Progressive Conservative party. It had nothing to do with any socially or otherwise progressive policies.
Nor does conservative, despite what the party president says, mean fiscally conservative. The word 'conservative', roughly, means seeing society as a whole - something the Conservative party has never done.
And John A. Macdonald did not call himself a Conservative. He commonly called himself a Liberal-Conservative. Nor does it matter what he called himself because he had exactly the same "set of values" as today's leaders of those parties. That is, he had no set of values at all. He was a front for big business.
Oh - and he was not the founder of Canada. He was the first prime minister. But Canada was not his idea.
Always interesting to see politicians talking with authority on subjects they know nothing about.
The editorial is about education - but really isn't. It can't be because the writer doesn't know anything about education. So, as usual, it's really about closing schools. This is from a man who has proven his ignorance about what education is, what it requires, what it means for future, what impact this will have on our children and on society in general.. Nope.
It's all about saving money so that nice Mr. Irving won't have to pay taxes.
Norbert has a pretty good column on bilingualism and the intense and persistent bigotry of a small minority who oppose it.
The commentary page continues its despicable practice of giving a column to a politicians as a sort of free ad. Of course, I expect they don't have to pay the politicians to write. And the Irving press is pretty cheap.
Alec Bruce seems to be shifting his position on environmental change. He recognizes that it's happening. He recognizes what is causing it. What none of us recognizes or even hears about is the massive change required for a world that is designed for the gasoline engine. Divisions like Evergreen development made sense in a world of cars. They don't make sense today. But Moncton still encourages them. This city needs a lot of basic changes to survive. It has lots of uses for 107 million (and counting). It needs serious discussion of priorities, not a pep campaign to build a hockey rink.
Canada&World has another story on the Nepalese disaster, one that tells us nothing it hasn't told us before.
Harper is generously sending $5 million dollars in aid. Big money. It will come somewhere close to 75 cents per person - though less than that after Harper contractor friends get paid. Well, first things first. Harper has to spend $13.5 million on an ad blitz to sell his budget.
B4 has a story that should have been front page. There are over 400 Canadians in Nepal. Other countries are working to help its people who are stranded there. So far, Canada has done nothing, not even to try to contact them. That failure to help Canadians abroad has become a characteristic of the Harper government.
On B2, Harper's security advisor (and former head of CSIS) says the anti-terrorism bill does not have the abusive powers people think it does. Right. CSIS and RCMP intelligence would never be abusive of their powers. Right.
The RCMP has been abusing its investigative powers for fifty years and more. CSIS has been abusing them since its founding. They have spied on people for their politics. Oh, not Liberals or Conservatives. They spied on dangerous politicians like Tommy Douglas, the Baptist clergyman who terrorized millions with his introduction of medicare. And they spied on radical terrorist Northrop Frye. And they spy on vicious people like environmentalists and native peoples. And they report these people to the government and, in great detail, to the real government, the very rich who own Canada.
The anti-terrorism bill has little to do with terrorism. It's aimed at us, all of us who do not agree completely with the government on everything.
In fairness, though, I have no information that they have ever spied on the very rich.
Apart from Nepal, foreign news is both scanty and meaningless.For example, B5 has a story that "French, Australian leaders vow to step up anti-terror cooperation". So bloody what?
If they weren't going to cooperate, that would be news since they've been cooperating for decades. To say they're going to cooperate isn't a story at all. You might as well have a story headed, "Romeo liked Juliet".
There is a story on Syria - which really doesn't tell us much. But read the last three lines of it for a subtle style of journalistic propaganda.. After telling us that the national Syrian news agency says the Syrian military has killed many terrorists, it adds, "The government refers to those trying to topple Assad as 'terrorists'".
Duh...well, those trying to topple Assad include groups like Al Quaeda and ISIS.Aren't they terrorists? Does the US have a patent on the word terrorist? Do terrorists suddenly become good guys if they're trying to kill Assad?
Like the words "Conservative" and "Liberal", the word 'terrorist' has ceased to have any meaning. It's simply to stir an emotional response, a sort of short cut to a conclusion that cuts out the unnecessary step of thinking. The US is against terrorism only when it kills people the US doesn't want killed. But when it kills people the US wants killed - then its not terrorism any more. Very flexible.
In a reality, all war is terror. For the nation with the biggest stock of weapons in the world, and the biggest nuclear arsenal, and the most aggressive record to say that others are terrorists is absurd. But the public buys it.
So why can't Syria call Al Quaeda and ISIS terrorists? Because the terrorists in the US government and US big business want Syria destroyed and Assad dead. So when Al Quaeda and ISIS kill Syrians, they aren't terrorists. They're just funnin'.
And millions of people will believe this crap. Without thinking
I don't know how many stories this paper has carried about a python in New Brunswick that killed two children. There's also a man living not far from New Brunswick who is facing trial for having beaten his father to death. In a lapse of Harper's tough on crime stance, we've heard nothing for months about this case. At this rate, Justin Bourque, who killed three police, will be a doddering old man before the Oland case will be resolved.
I'm sure all this has nothing to do with the fact that he belongs to a very rich family. And, if he is convicted, I'm sure Harper will demand a really tough sentence - like two weeks of community service at a school for rich girls.
The above is a report from the Los Angeles Times (and other sources) on the rioting in Baltimore. It wasn't important enough to make today's Irving press - though there has certainly been warning. I grew up in a Montreal of racism, hatred and abuse. But until I visited Baltimore, I had no idea of how intense racism, hatred and abuse - and ignorance - could be.
Some people will say the rioters are criminals and misfits. I'm sure many of them are. But that has nothing to do with it. There's a reason why they are criminals and misfits. They were born into a society which gave them little choice but to be criminals and misfits. And, for that matter, there have been criminals and misfits in every city in the world for as long as there have been cities. So how come we're seeing the riots now?
It's because another group of criminals and misfits have risen to power in the US. These are the billionaires who own the governments, the ones who murder and loot all over the world in the name of protecting democracy, the ones who manipulate the economy to drive up their profits while avoiding taxes, and spreading poverty and hopelessness to the rest.
Combine all that with government spies and with encouragement to police to kill indiscriminately - and you get the Baltimore riots. And it's going to get worse and spread to other cities. The spark in Baltimore is racism. But it will soon begin to dawn on many Whites that they are suffering the same abuses. (That's why most of our news media will look at this simply as race riots, nicely ignoring the dreadful abuse which has led to the riots.
This is the time when government should be acting to relieve the causes of this rioting. But it won't. It won't because it's owned by the very rich; and the very rich have long since proven themselves to be too greedy and too stupid to see what must be done.
The front page headline "Premier's events centre comments stir debate" is a story about nothing at all. It's simply part of the campaign to build support for an events centre so somebody can get a free hockey rink. And that somebody seems to have influence with the Irving press.
Then front page has a prominent story that most people who joined the Pollet River run to clean up garbage on Saturday weren't drunk. That's nice. But it was yesterday's story. And there's another non-story on the front page that a preliminary inquiry has been set for a cause in which a python killed two children. It was also on yesterday's front page. Hint - the fact that a date has been set for a preliminary hearing in late November is not a hot, news-flash.
The obviously big story of the day is that four teenagers were fire-bombed in their car in what looks like a random attack. That suggests we have a very dangerous person wandering loose in Moncton. That should be the headline story - but it's almost lost at the bottom of the page.
A4 has the schedule for the Northrop Frye Festival.. I think it disgusting that we have a festival for a man who was an enemy of the Canadian people.
You didn't know that? Well, the Irving press hasn't mentioned it. But Frye was spied on by RCMP intelligence for years - by order of the government of Canada. Frye was a dangerous man. He was opposed to war. He even had the nerve to appear at public meetings to oppose war. Should we really allow people to read the work of this traitor?
On the same page "Young Tories want 'Progressive' dropped from party name." In the course of the debate over this, it's obvious that nobody in the party knows the meanings of the words progressive or conservative; nobody knows the origins of progressive conservative, And nobody knows much about John A. Macdonald.
Progressive does not mean 'socially progressive'. Originally, it was a western party to express local dissatifactions. But it soon split into two parts. One became the socialist CCF. The other kept the name progressive but became the darling of big business. In the 1930s, the Conservatives were desperate for a leader. They turned to the Progressive leader of a very right-wing Alberta. He accepted, but on condition the party change its name to Progressive Conservative party. It had nothing to do with any socially or otherwise progressive policies.
Nor does conservative, despite what the party president says, mean fiscally conservative. The word 'conservative', roughly, means seeing society as a whole - something the Conservative party has never done.
And John A. Macdonald did not call himself a Conservative. He commonly called himself a Liberal-Conservative. Nor does it matter what he called himself because he had exactly the same "set of values" as today's leaders of those parties. That is, he had no set of values at all. He was a front for big business.
Oh - and he was not the founder of Canada. He was the first prime minister. But Canada was not his idea.
Always interesting to see politicians talking with authority on subjects they know nothing about.
The editorial is about education - but really isn't. It can't be because the writer doesn't know anything about education. So, as usual, it's really about closing schools. This is from a man who has proven his ignorance about what education is, what it requires, what it means for future, what impact this will have on our children and on society in general.. Nope.
It's all about saving money so that nice Mr. Irving won't have to pay taxes.
Norbert has a pretty good column on bilingualism and the intense and persistent bigotry of a small minority who oppose it.
The commentary page continues its despicable practice of giving a column to a politicians as a sort of free ad. Of course, I expect they don't have to pay the politicians to write. And the Irving press is pretty cheap.
Alec Bruce seems to be shifting his position on environmental change. He recognizes that it's happening. He recognizes what is causing it. What none of us recognizes or even hears about is the massive change required for a world that is designed for the gasoline engine. Divisions like Evergreen development made sense in a world of cars. They don't make sense today. But Moncton still encourages them. This city needs a lot of basic changes to survive. It has lots of uses for 107 million (and counting). It needs serious discussion of priorities, not a pep campaign to build a hockey rink.
Canada&World has another story on the Nepalese disaster, one that tells us nothing it hasn't told us before.
Harper is generously sending $5 million dollars in aid. Big money. It will come somewhere close to 75 cents per person - though less than that after Harper contractor friends get paid. Well, first things first. Harper has to spend $13.5 million on an ad blitz to sell his budget.
B4 has a story that should have been front page. There are over 400 Canadians in Nepal. Other countries are working to help its people who are stranded there. So far, Canada has done nothing, not even to try to contact them. That failure to help Canadians abroad has become a characteristic of the Harper government.
On B2, Harper's security advisor (and former head of CSIS) says the anti-terrorism bill does not have the abusive powers people think it does. Right. CSIS and RCMP intelligence would never be abusive of their powers. Right.
The RCMP has been abusing its investigative powers for fifty years and more. CSIS has been abusing them since its founding. They have spied on people for their politics. Oh, not Liberals or Conservatives. They spied on dangerous politicians like Tommy Douglas, the Baptist clergyman who terrorized millions with his introduction of medicare. And they spied on radical terrorist Northrop Frye. And they spy on vicious people like environmentalists and native peoples. And they report these people to the government and, in great detail, to the real government, the very rich who own Canada.
The anti-terrorism bill has little to do with terrorism. It's aimed at us, all of us who do not agree completely with the government on everything.
In fairness, though, I have no information that they have ever spied on the very rich.
Apart from Nepal, foreign news is both scanty and meaningless.For example, B5 has a story that "French, Australian leaders vow to step up anti-terror cooperation". So bloody what?
If they weren't going to cooperate, that would be news since they've been cooperating for decades. To say they're going to cooperate isn't a story at all. You might as well have a story headed, "Romeo liked Juliet".
There is a story on Syria - which really doesn't tell us much. But read the last three lines of it for a subtle style of journalistic propaganda.. After telling us that the national Syrian news agency says the Syrian military has killed many terrorists, it adds, "The government refers to those trying to topple Assad as 'terrorists'".
Duh...well, those trying to topple Assad include groups like Al Quaeda and ISIS.Aren't they terrorists? Does the US have a patent on the word terrorist? Do terrorists suddenly become good guys if they're trying to kill Assad?
Like the words "Conservative" and "Liberal", the word 'terrorist' has ceased to have any meaning. It's simply to stir an emotional response, a sort of short cut to a conclusion that cuts out the unnecessary step of thinking. The US is against terrorism only when it kills people the US doesn't want killed. But when it kills people the US wants killed - then its not terrorism any more. Very flexible.
In a reality, all war is terror. For the nation with the biggest stock of weapons in the world, and the biggest nuclear arsenal, and the most aggressive record to say that others are terrorists is absurd. But the public buys it.
So why can't Syria call Al Quaeda and ISIS terrorists? Because the terrorists in the US government and US big business want Syria destroyed and Assad dead. So when Al Quaeda and ISIS kill Syrians, they aren't terrorists. They're just funnin'.
And millions of people will believe this crap. Without thinking
I don't know how many stories this paper has carried about a python in New Brunswick that killed two children. There's also a man living not far from New Brunswick who is facing trial for having beaten his father to death. In a lapse of Harper's tough on crime stance, we've heard nothing for months about this case. At this rate, Justin Bourque, who killed three police, will be a doddering old man before the Oland case will be resolved.
I'm sure all this has nothing to do with the fact that he belongs to a very rich family. And, if he is convicted, I'm sure Harper will demand a really tough sentence - like two weeks of community service at a school for rich girls.
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