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    Thursday, June 25, 2015

    Food of the month strawberries.

    Summer fruits, so sweet and delicious, help us to change our diet and way to provide many nutrients beneficial to our health. Of all these, today we picked strawberries.

    Food of the month strawberries.
    Food of the month strawberries.

    Why you should include strawberries in your diet?

    They are low calorie and rich in minerals such as phosphorus, iron, magnesium and calcium; also vitamins A, C, B1 and B2. After water, the main constituent are carbohydrates; so I especially recommend the recovery after exercise. Thus we help rehydrate and recover glycogen levels.

    1.Su protein content is very low and are highly digestible and stimulate the production of gastric juices.

    2.Have high in folic acid, therefore it is recommended intake during pregnancy to prevent fetal malformations.

    3. In terms of its health benefits, we can say that fruit is a diuretic, helping against fluid retention.

    4.Are laxatives, perfect for people with constipation.

    5.Tiene satiating effect so its consumption is recommended in diets.

    6.Son alkalizing, which helps us to keep our body healthy and slightly swollen. It helps eliminate uric acid, thereby preventing gout.

    7.Se used against diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism, gallstones, tuberculosis, leukemia, arteriosclerosis (reduces cholesterol), bladder infections, lack of energy, hemorrhoids and fever.

    8.Tiene properties to reduce sun spots and maintain a healthy and smooth skin.

    9.Por its high content of vitamins, it helps us strengthen our immune system and regulates the nervous system and the endocrine.

    10.Se considered due to an anticancer food containing phytochemical called ellagic acid, particularly in cancers such as breast, lung, esophagus, cervix, prostate and tongue. Read 10 anti-cancer foods.

    11.Por its antibacterial power, it helps us maintain a perfect oral hygiene as we prevents tooth decay.

    12.The contraindications are rare and only recommend that people reduce their consumption suffering from heartburn. They should always be washed before eating because we must eliminate any harmful substances and may contain traces of soil.

    Hope to enjoy this article.

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